vHealth: Plan and personalize your lifestyle to maximize the best outcome

Your biometrics, medical history, and genetic information are yours to truly own - a crucial piece of your identity that only you should leverage, to transform your life. From tailored workout and nutrition programs to personalized medicine and therapeutics, that is the value proposition we offer with vHealth in the vApp.

Discover vHealth
Precision Workouts: vHealth allows you to mine your biometrics, activity levels, health history, and genetic information to design personalized workout routines. It suggests specific types of exercise that are particularly beneficial for your fitness level and advises you on optimal workout frequency and intensity.

Adipose Tissue Type Ratio
Athletic Ability
Exercise Heart Recovery Rate
Average Sleep Duration
Marathon Endurance
Endurance Performance
VO2 Max
and Training
Precision Nutrition: Similarly, with vHealth you can create personalized nutrition programs. This can include guidance on specific foods or nutrients that you need more or less of, based on your genetic makeup or health condition. For instance, if your genetic and lifestyle data shows a predisposition to high cholesterol, vHealth could recommend a nutritional program low in saturated fats.

Learn about personalized health

Feel protected anywhere by allowing doctors, paramedics, and firefighters from around the world to have access to vital data in case of an emergency, translated into the local language.

vHuman Interface Pro:

1.- Surgical Procedures:

✓ Extreme urgency
✓ Urgency
✓ Diagnostics
✓ Planned
✓ Palliatives  
✓ Plastic and reconstructive
✓ Ambulatory
✓ Etc

2.- Therapeutic procedures
3.- Prophylactic procedures

4.- Diagnostics procedures:

✓ Clinical
✓ Lab requisitions
✓ Imaging
✓ Functional
✓ Endoscopic
✓ Psychologic
✓ Genetics and epigenetic
✓ Microbiome (general o specific)

5.- Immunizations
6.- Biometrics
8.- Pathologies   

9.- Organ donation
10.- Medical insurance

vHuman Interface General:

1.- Physical activity :


2.- Medical and physiotherapeutic observations

3.- Blood type

4. Interactive data

✓Name (Optional)
✓Sex or pronouns (Optional)
✓Dietary restrictions

 5.- Emergency contacts
vHealth is not just a tool but a revolution in how we manage, share, and utilize personal health data. It empowers individuals, enables doctors, and drives the world of health research. The potential benefits are limitless. Let's embark together on this new era of personal data management.

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For Education
For Health Care
For Government
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