Data is the new gold in the new Data Driven Economy
Data, specially personal data, is now a form of digital capital. It plays a crucial role in the creation of value. The new data driven economy is characterized by the collection, analysis, and monetization of vast amounts of data, through data mining. Businesses, governments, and other organizations use this data to drive decision-making, deliver personalized services, and create new business models.
+ Mining the modern gold
+ Mining the modern gold
IoT Hacking: From Personal Tools to Data Extraction Instruments

IoT (Internet of Things) devices are a crucial part of our interconnected world. They bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds, enable automation and control, provide valuable data for accurate analysis, and have the potential to greatly enhance our quality of life. As such, their importance cannot be overstated, sadly this has been changing and they no longer are tools for us, but rather surveillance instruments.

Most IoT devices are now instruments of personal data extraction for large companies, institutions and even governments due to their adoption rate and inherent ability to collect a wide array of granular data, giving rise to Surveillance Capitalism. These devices can record details such as consumption rate data, behaviors, location data, and health-related data, among other things. But, we cannot avoid using them but rather as the adoption of this technology expands,  we need more robust security standards, regulations, and companies compromised to protect and keep our personal data, personal.
Brain Hacking: 

Neuromarketing applies the principles of neuroscience to marketing. By studying consumers' sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective response to marketing stimuli, big tech gain insights into your behavior and decision-making processes.

Neuromarketing has played a significant role in the creation of apps, digital retailers, social networks, social interactions, and user interfaces designed to increase engagement and foster addiction, which in turn generates more data for companies. By applying neuroscience insights to the design and operation of these platforms, companies can also identify and leverage the factors that drive user engagement, allowing them to tailor their services to maximize data generation.
+ How dangerous is data centralization

Without decentralization of data ownership, a tiny elite may gain the power to re-engineer the future of life, putting the future of humanity and the planet at risk.

We're gaining a deeper understanding of the human body and life itself as our ability to collect and analyze biometric and genetic data with A.I improves. This is leading to breakthroughs in medicine and longevity, but it could also lead to bioengineering and potentially even the creation of new life forms. Those who control this data will be at the forefront of these paradigm-shifting advances.

If decentralized and democratized it can help to improve more lives through tailored Data-Driven insights

Decentralization and democratization can help ensure that everyone has equitable access to the benefits of data and technology.
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